Responding to the Naysayers & Social Media Josh Ochs’s second chapter of Light, Bright & Polite gives insight and feedback on how to respond to negative posts on social media. Ochs gives the example of how two citizens in his local town had written hate blogs about him running for mayor. Instead of arguing with the people writing negative things about him online, Ochs passed up the opportunity to argue and instead reached out to them individually. I especially learned from this chapter that arguing online makes you look bad and it hurts your reputation. I like how Ochs describes someone who argues on social media. He said, “All they’ll see is that you’re acting like someone who can’t seem to rise above an argument that’s probably not worth it and is rarely constructive”. Here, the reader can see that arguing online can reveal to a business or company searching for you online what type of person they are really hiring. They will most likely not want to hire someone who is a...