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Showing posts from September, 2021

Responding to the Naysayers & Social Media

Responding to the Naysayers & Social Media Josh Ochs’s second chapter of Light, Bright & Polite gives insight and feedback on how to respond to negative posts on social media. Ochs gives the example of how two citizens in his local town had written hate blogs about him running for mayor. Instead of arguing with the people writing negative things about him online, Ochs passed up the opportunity to argue and instead reached out to them individually. I especially learned from this chapter that arguing online makes you look bad and it hurts your reputation. I like how Ochs describes someone who argues on social media. He said, “All they’ll see is that you’re acting like someone who can’t seem to rise above an argument that’s probably not worth it and is rarely constructive”. Here, the reader can see that arguing online can reveal to a business or company searching for you online what type of person they are really hiring. They will most likely not want to hire someone who is a...

Simple Google Tips and Tricks That Can Enhance Your Productivity

  Simple Google Tips and Tricks That Can Enhance Your Productivity The tools we use online are super helpful and help us accomplish our daily tasks in a simple and effective way. They help us communicate with friends, family, and work and empower us to be creative and innovative. The goal of this week’s blog is to show hidden tips and tricks found in Google Suite to bring you to the next level in your productivity. Did you know that there’s a better way to search for information on Google? You may be frustrated with the results you find, having to dig through the search list to get the result you want. But there’s a helpful way to narrow down and optimize your search results. There’s more to the Google search engine than just searching for a keyword or term. The first helpful tip is to use double quotes in your search box to get the exact phrase in your search results.  When you use double quotes, you will get results that only show exactly what is in the double quotes like in...

Digital Caution & Tools That Can Assist You

Digital Caution & Tools That Can Assist You Josh Ochs, a former Disney marketer shares great tips and advice for navigating social media in his book Light, Bright & Polite For Professionals . In his first chapter, he shares how social media can hurt your career. Ochs debunks many myths and people's ideas about social media. He reveals that every person on social media has a digital foot print which can be tracked down by any person looking for you online. Companies and businesses especially check your background on social media to see if they are hiring the right person for their business. Ochs gives an example of a woman who travelled to Australia from Ireland to go on a vacation. It specifically stated on her visa that she was coming only for a vacation; however, when she landed in Australia and was questioned why she was visiting, security looked her up online to see if she was telling the truth. They had her type in her personal details into a computer and they found th...

The Benefits of Blogging & Tweeting Professionally

The Benefits of Blogging & Tweeting Professionally Are you a blogger who wants to go to the next level? Or are you looking for different ways to grow your professional network using social media? Then these three articles are for you. The dos and don’ts of hashtags , Introduction to Blogging , and How Blogging Can Help You Grow Your Professional Network  are great resources for understanding the professional side of using social media.  Hashtags To begin, have you ever wondered what the point of using hashtags was all about? Does it just #MakeYouSoundCool? Possibly. But there is also a marketing strategy that many companies and businesses use it for to make themselves more marketable and wide known. For example, Hayley Dorney from Twitter Business shared in her article how PFL uses easy to remember and easy to type hashtags consistently on their twitter feed to engage their audience. By making the hashtag simple enough to remember and spell, PFL is able to reach more peop...